Planning ahead for our financial security can be done in many ways and awareness of these is paramount to successful financial planning.
These days college students have very easily access to credit cards which can lead to them getting into huge debt. A young person defaulting on their student loans can have severe consequences and affect them into their future when it comes to qualifying for a mortgage or a car loan.
And let’s face it college fees can turn out to be more expensive than any of us may have planned for. For parents, setting up a college fund is something they can incorporate into their financial planning.
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Intimacy is a crucial component of any healthy relationship. Being able to show affection and share intimate moments with your significant other are signs that you and your partner are content with the way things are going and that you’re in a happy relationship. However, come stress, children, and pressures of daily life and many couples find themselves in unhappy relationships and marriages, and that’s when intimacy, as well as the relationship, are put on a back burner.