Solaris Teas

I See ..... Third Eye Chakra

“Our self perception is the way we see our inner and outer worlds, the ability to see and reach into the future being key to self realisation and our vision of life”.   Solaris Tea

The Chakras

When it comes to tools to help us balance our chakras I am always interested!!!   I have just finished writing an eight lesson self study course on the chakras in which I use meditation and essential oils as tools to empower us remove energy blocks like emotions and limiting beliefs from our chakras.  When we do this we are in alignment with our personal goals in an authentic way to ourselves.

We are made from energy and energy is processed in different awareness centres in our body called chakras. Each of the seven major chakras governs a different type of awareness.   Our second chakra is our emotional and creative realm; our third chakra is our power center; our fifth chakra is our communication center etc.

We can work with these centers in many ways and one of the ways we can bring about balance is by using foods and drinks that enhance the energy here.

Use of Herbs

The use of medicinal herbs goes back to the beginning of time.   Herbs are medicine from nature’s own medicine cabinet and many of the common herbs we find growing in our garden, some of which we may consider weeds, were the medicine of our ancestors.

Herbs are spoken about in all of the major mythologies, for example we are told that Achilles used Yarrow to heal the wounds of his soldiers on the battlefield!

So when I got the opportunity to try a sample box of chakra teas, whose ingredients were chosen to match the energy of the chakras I was thrilled to say the least!

I choose the tea blended for the sixth chakra, also known as the third eye.

Solaris Tea

The background of how these Solaris range of teas came about is a wonderful fusion of Yoga and Herbal Medicine.   Yoga is well known to bring balance to those who practice it.

Kerstin Linnartz, founder of be better and a passionate Yogini since 1996, has studied ancient Indian science in the US, Europe and India and has lived in India for many years.

Solaris Tea is a family business based in Ireland specialising in blending internationally award-winning teas and herbal infusions. Solaris ensure that all teas are produced to the highest level of sustainability and quality. All blends are free from added aromas. Jörg Müller, a former elite gymnast, has a degree in Herbal Medicine (BScHons) and has been living in Ireland for the last 15 years.

The Sixth Chakra Blend

The ingredients in this blend for the third eye are Peppermint, Nettle and Fennel.   I will give a brief outline of each of the herbs here.


This wonderful medicinal herb has been around a long, long time. We know that dried Peppermint leaves were found in several Egyptian pyramids dating back to 1,000 BC.  Peppermint offers support to the digestive system.

On an emotional level the stomach area is associated with the third chakra or our power center where we digest our thoughts and emotions as well as our food.   Because our thoughts and emotions fuel our action when we balance this chakra we find we can step more into our power pursuing our goals with focused action.

In relation to the sixth chakra we want to be able to see the truth around our stories.   If we are triggered into what we may perceive as a negative emotion by our feelings which leads to negative action, we may want to look closely at our story to see the real picture or the essence of what the trigger is.   So this wonderful herb supports us in the sixth chakra so that we can become more focused at an intuitive level. This has the ripple effect of when we open the sixth chakra to see our truth around our stories we can then change the stories to better serve us.


The wonderful herb of nettle that causes kids and adults to scamper contains wonderful benefits when used in food, drinks and skin care!!!   Nettle is an anti-inflammatory and an astringent. It contains an ingredient called phenol, which is a powerful antioxidant and supports against free radicals.

It is also full of iron and so is associated with supporting the symptoms of anemia.   Iron is so important for our overall health and wellness.

When we have the strength that comes from a healthy body we have the energy to fulfill what we desire in our life.


Fennel is another wonderful herb known for its toxic cleaning ability. It combines well in this tea with Peppermint.

On an emotional level it supports us if we have lost touch with listening to our own body’s intelligence, which is what the sixth chakra is all about. Learning to get back in touch with what our body is telling us and not letting the judgments or opinions of others be the only influences in our lives.

It can also help us restore our appetite for life and so again is great for supporting us in pulling back the veil of illusion we may be stuck in and looking at the world from a higher perspective, which will reveal the truth and wonder of what we have.


The wonderful liquorice plant was named by Hippocrates as “glukos riza” or sweet root and this is one of the most popular ways to use liquorice, as a natural sweetener.

However this wonderful plant has many other wonderful benefits including anti-viral properties. Its use against upper respiratory tract infections dates back to ancient Egypt.   It is a demulcent and soothes mucous irritations and is used widely in Ayurvedic cooking.

The addition of liquorice in this sixth chakra tea blend certainly adds a lovely sweetness.

This blend of herbs to support our sixth chakra is a truly wonderful combination of flavours to enhance and energise.   The herbs interact with our body’s own intelligence and bring us clarity and focus.

The only question left for me now is .... which blend to try next!

For more details on the chakra teas you can visit the Solaris web site here.

For details on crystals to use with chakras check out a guest blog by Jessica from Amber here.

Until next time ….. keep the faith,

Dolores Andrew-Gavin,